
Let AI Empower Your Decisions

Discover ISAAC Analytics: An AI-powered fleet management tool providing clear, actionable insights to optimize operations and enhance safety.

The Link Between Fuel Efficiency & Safety

A new study documented how fuel-efficient driving lowers the chance of an accident. Watch this webinar to hear the findings and learn how one fleet uses the ISAAC Coach to achieve stronger results.

McLeod + ISAAC: Maximize Growth with the Power of Integration

What helps trucking fleets remain profitable, grow their business, and keep drivers happy? Enabling the office team to efficiently communicate with drivers on the road goes a long way. Tune in to this webinar to discover how a complete integration between a TMS (McLeod Software’s LoadMaster) and an ELD (ISAAC’s solution) allows you to do more with your operations and increase driver satisfaction.

A Modern Take on Fleet Safety

How can you protect your fleet in times of growing accident rates and high-stake litigation? Discover how a reliable technology partner can help you foster a safety culture among your drivers.

Team Up With Drivers to Save Fuel

How can drivers help fleets make major fuel savings? Discover how drivers affect fuel consumption, and how real-time driver coaching can benefit both your fleet’s operating ratio and drivers’ pay.

Canadians ELDs – The Time is Now!

Discover the most important feature changes for drivers and dispatchers in ISAAC’s certified ELD solution, following a brief overview of the rigorous process that led up to it all.

Driver Retention & Team Connection

The foundation to a team’s wellness is made of caring and taking interest in what team members experience daily. It’s only after instilling this wellness culture, that tools and systems come in to support it.

Ramping up Your Cybersecurity Efforts

Investing in a solid cybersecurity plan is not an option, but a necessity. Learn about current security issues and the emerging trends in fighting them. Also find out about ISAAC’s security framework, and how we have your data covered.

Driver Retention & Satisfaction

According to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), the current Top Fleet Concerns are all about drivers. This white paper examines root causes behind driver frustration and exposes how driver-focused technology can keep them on board.

2022 Canadian ELD Compliance Checklist

Find your way through regulations and exemptions surrounding the application of the Canadian ELD mandate This checklist outlines how to get started toward Canadian compliance and provides information to help you meet the deadline.

ELD Reliability

How do you avoid frustrating your truck drivers and upsetting customers? For trucking fleets, the secret may be selecting the right ELD provider: one that offers reliable uptime, is easy to use and optimizes end-to-end operations.

Choosing the Right Device for Your ELD Solution

Some vendors provide a turnkey solution that includes a tablet while others give you software that you can install on the device of your choice (smartphones, tablets, etc.). Sifting through the industry’s technological offering can be a daunting task.

The Canadian ELD Factbook

This guide provides essential information on Canada’s regulations for electronic logging devices to help you prepare. Have the tools you need to choose a supplier who will accompany you through this transition.

Transportation and Technology

Based on the most recent data, it is estimated that employers will have to recruit 48,000 drivers to meet their needs by 2024. Despite the worrying situation, you should not fear the implementation of a new solution for fear of driving away potential talent, quite the contrary.

How Video Camera Systems Protect You Against Nuclear Verdicts

Tune into the webinar to better understand the threat of nuclear verdicts, and how connected, integrated camera systems, such as ISAAC InView, provide undeniable video proof and detailed telemetry data to help you be certain of who or what caused an accident.

Discover Drivewyze

Discover how Drivewyze can help you avoid weigh stations stops. Join our free webinar to discover the Drivewyze weigh station bypass program.